Healing the Subconscious through Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Healing Codependency

A boost over those mental barriers

When we feel disempowered and unworthy in our relationships and self-perceptions, the negativity can become all-consuming. 
Thought and behavioral patterns that keep us trapped in codependent and/or stagnant relationships may feel impossible to shake at times, especially when we disappoint ourselves by cycling through the same mishaps over and over. 

Maybe you’ve tried tirelessly to improve in these areas, but continuously feel that something holds you back from making lasting change.


Hypnosis can heal your beliefs and tendencies embedded in your relationships (with self and others), and may be considered as a solution if you’re experiencing a disruption in functioning, and pervasive emotions such as :

    • Fear – Overwrought with worries of abandonment, rejection and loneliness
    • Insecurity – Uncertainty of yourself/your worth in relationships, shrinking down, and avoiding vulnerability or connection
    • Anger – Holding on to past hurts, blame, and grudges
    • Grief – Losing/ending a relationship, an identity, or attachment
    • Conflict – Communicating ineffectively, reacting poorly, people-pleasing your self-respect away

Get on On the Level! (of the Subconscious)

Take a moment to consider of all the beliefs and character traits you hold that may have been passed down from previous generations.
Typically we’ve adopted these without much choice or discretion, as they’ve been imprinted in our subconscious through systems such as parenting, faulty messages from childhood/societal conditioning, subliminal messaging, being punished for expressing ourselves, our feelings, etc.

Often, addressing our issues on the level of the conscious mind alone isn’t effective, when our issues are “stuck” in the subconscious.

Hypnosis communicates directly with the subconscious mind to remove mental blocks, and to spark desirable actions and beliefs. 
Being in a state of hypnosis gives the recipient an opportunity to connect their subconscious and conscious minds in congruence, so that both parts can become in alignment with one’s goals.
(Understanding the Subconscious by Ran D Anbar)

Connecting perceptions with influence

While your conscious mind is what is activated during most of your waking moments, your subconscious mind is navigating you through life somewhat behind the scenes. It’s what shapes your preferences, constructs your dreams, retains memories, and fuels your decision-making.
Our subconscious minds store our deep-seated beliefs, wisdom, intuition, and memories – many of which are helpful and retrievable, (such as your ability to form sentences without much effort).
Others are less useful, even harmful, and lurk in the shadows of our subconscious without our awareness (or consent!). 
(The Subconscious Mind and Hypnosis by Terence Watts)

photo by mika-korhonen via Unsplash

Some examples of our subconscious influencing our actions and thoughts in negative ways include:

  •  A relative shaming you at a young age, which unknowingly influences your self-perceptions as an adult.
  • Gravitating towards partners who are possessive, because you inherited a belief that control is equated with love.
  • Suppressing your painful emotions, because you absorbed your parents’ attitude that sharing your feelings was weak
  • Devaluing your needs due to an inner voice telling you that you aren’t good enough

    Both the helpful and harmful elements of our subconscious play a tremendous role in our actions, inclinations, and abilities, and we benefit from tapping into them, in order to know and maneuver our magnificent brains on a deeper level. 
    To read more about the subconscious, click here

Empowerment for Change

It can be disheartening to accept that the parts of ourselves we want to change the most have been solidified over the course of years or decades.

But not to fear, thanks to neuroplasticity, our minds absolutely do have capacity for change.

Just because faulty systems have long been imprinted, does NOT mean that they can’t be healed, dissolved, or reprogrammed.

Through skillful, mindful hypnosis sessions, one may gain:

  • Assertion/validation of self in relationships
  • Boundary -setting and follow -through
  • Inner security, confidence and esteem
  • Emotional/Physiological regulation
  • Forgiveness and acceptance of Self and Others
  • Clarity around doubt, confusion, and indecision
  • And so much more.

Reprogram Your Mind for Success by:

Releasing tendencies toward:

  • Codependent romantic relationships
  • Sabotaging wants, needs, or values with damaging thoughts and behaviors. 
  • Self-deprecation, people-pleasing, enmeshment, resentment.

Adopting beliefs and actions that: 

  • Are empowering, resourceful, and resilient
  • Harmonize with your values
  • Clear a path towards your goals and inspirations


    Let’s chat about hypnosis’ potential role in your healing. You can schedule a free call at your convenience.



Understanding the Subconscious: Its Central Role in Hypnosis Ran D Anbar M.D. Dec 11 2021

The Subconscious Mind and Hypnosis – Terrence Watts

Transforming the Codependent Mind ; Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT September 29, 2013


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Blooming Jasmine ; Empowerment Coach

Blooming Jasmine

Empowerment Coach + Hypnosis Practitioner + Social Worker +TEFL/TESOL

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